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BUFFLEHEAD Sailing Canoe

Sail when you can, paddle when you want

Segelkanu Bufflehead auf Cres BUFFLEHEAD is a spacious, decked expedition and travel canoe that you can sail as well as paddle. The boat is very stable due to its width and very comfortable thanks to its adjustable seat:

We manufacture complete boats and hulls for self-assembly.

Hull and deck

Bufflehead Segelkanu Bufflehead Segelkanu, Cockpit Composite building technology: The hull is constructed from a core of 3mm Okoume marine plywood, coated inside and out with fibreglass. This coating cures transparent. It is possible to clear coat the boat in order to show the wooden structure.
The deck is made of strips or plywood planks and is coated inside and out with fiberglass fabric. The all-round rubbing strake made of KevlarTM tape is considerably lighter and more robust than a conventional wooden rubbing strake.

Rig and sail

Bufflehead Segelkanu, Segel BUFFLEHEAD can be used with the 4.3 sqm dacron lugsail or with the 5.4 sqm dacron sail. The fully battened 5.4 sqm dacron sail is particularly suitable for long trips. It can be supplied in white, red or black, has three reefs that can be operated with one hand and stands perfectly.
The lugsail comes with a two-part carbon mast, the 5.4 square meter Dacron sail has a three-part carbon mast, rotating freely without shrouds. The lugsail has light wooden spars, the 5.4 sqm Dacron sail has a two-part aluminum-carbon boom. Both rigs can be easily dismantled on the water and stowed completely in the boat.


Bufflehead Segelkanu, Cockpit Bufflehead Segelkanu, Cockpit For ultimate comfort. The angle of the ergonomically shaped backrest made of carbon fiber laminate is infinitely adjustable. The split elastic backrest supports active paddling. Floatable and foldable. Height-adjustable for sitting high and upright when paddling and a low, reclined position when sailing. The seat can be freely movable in the cockpit. Plans for a seat with comparable features can be found here.

Leeboard and rudder

Bufflehead Segelkanu, Schwert Bufflehead Segelkanu, Ruder Leeboard made from clear red cedar, coated with glass fiber and carbon in the upper part. Trailing edge reinforced with a glass cord. NACA profie. Rotating axle made of aluminum tube. A slip clutch ensures that the blade automatically comes up when it touches the ground. Weight: approx. 1,100 g. Leeboard mount made of KevlarTM-coated carbon tube, incorporated directly into the transition between deck and hull.
Rudder with pre-balanced, retractable rudder blade, silver fir rudder stocks on both side decks.

Spray boards

Bufflehead Segelkanu, Cockpitverkleidungen Reduce the size of the cockpit and keep the canoe dry in heavy weather. Removable, so that the interior remains easily accessible. With ultra-light lashing eyes and elastic tension straps, for stowing light luggage or hold a compass, GPS and water bottle. Both cockpit panels together weigh just 2,500 g. They are real eye-catchers. It is therefore worthwhile using particularly beautifully grained wood or an interesting plank pattern. How about a wind rose inlay, seahorse, dolphin or seagull?